This function is analogous to all mo_*
functions of the AMR package, see AMR::mo_property()
language = AMR::get_AMR_locale(),
keep_synonyms = getOption("AMR_keep_synonyms", FALSE),
any character (vector) that can be coerced to a valid microorganism code with
. Can be left blank for auto-guessing the column containing microorganism codes if used in a data set, see Examples.
language to translate text like "no growth", which defaults to the system language (see get_AMR_locale()
a logical to indicate if old, previously valid taxonomic names must be preserved and not be corrected to currently accepted names. The default is FALSE
, which will return a note if old taxonomic names were processed. The default can be set with the package option AMR_keep_synonyms
, i.e. options(AMR_keep_synonyms = TRUE)
or options(AMR_keep_synonyms = FALSE)
other arguments passed on to
, such as 'minimum_matching_score', 'ignore_pattern', and 'remove_from_input'
mo_glims("E. coli")
#> [1] "Eschcl"
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
data.frame(mo = c("ESCCOL", "Staph aureus")) |>
mutate(glims = mo_glims())
#> i Using column 'mo' as input for mo_name()
#> mo glims
#> 1 ESCCOL Eschcl
#> 2 Staph aureus Stphars
# even works for non-existing entries in AMR package
mo_glims("Streptococcus mitis/oralis")
#> [1] "Strpmi/or"
if (require(AMR, warn.conflicts = FALSE)) {"Streptococcus mitis/oralis")
#> Loading required package: AMR
#> Class 'mo'
if (require("AMR")) {
mo_genus("Streptococcus mitis/oralis")
#> [1] "Streptococcus"
if (require("AMR")) {
mo_gramstain("Streptococcus mitis/oralis")
#> [1] "Gram-positive"