These functions call their original base R namesake, but with a global settable na.rm argument.

any(..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

all(..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

mean(x, ..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

sum(..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

prod(..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

min(..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

max(..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

pmin(..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

pmax(..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

range(..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

sd(x, na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

var(x, ..., na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

median(x, na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE), ...)

fivenum(x, na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE))

  na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE),
  type = getOption("quantile.type", 7)

  na.rm = getOption("na.rm", FALSE),
  type = getOption("quantile.type", 7)



zero or more logical vectors. Other objects of zero length are ignored, and the rest are coerced to logical ignoring any class.


logical. If true NA values are removed before the result is computed.


An R object. Currently there are methods for numeric/logical vectors and date, date-time and time interval objects. Complex vectors are allowed for trim = 0, only.


an integer between 1 and 9 selecting one of the nine quantile algorithms detailed below to be used.

Default values of na.rm

This 'certestats' package supports a global default setting for na.rm in many mathematical functions. This can be set with options(na.rm = TRUE) or options(na.rm = FALSE).

For normality(), quantile() and IQR(), this also applies to the type argument. The default, type = 7, is the default of base R. Use type = 6 to comply with SPSS.