These functions use the Microsoft365R
R package to send emails via Microsoft 365. They require an Outlook Business account.
subject = "",
to = NULL,
cc = read_secret("mail.auto_cc"),
bcc = read_secret("mail.auto_bcc"),
reply_to = NULL,
attachment = NULL,
header = FALSE,
footer = FALSE,
background = certestyle::colourpicker("certeblauw6"),
send = TRUE,
markdown = TRUE,
signature = get_certe_signature(account = account),
automated_notice = !interactive(),
save_location = read_secret("mail.export_path"),
sent_subfolder = read_secret("mail.sent_subfolder"),
expect = NULL,
account = connect_outlook(),
identifier = NULL,
subject = "",
to = NULL,
cc = read_secret("mail.auto_cc"),
bcc = read_secret("mail.auto_bcc"),
reply_to = read_secret("mail.auto_reply_to"),
attachment = NULL,
send = TRUE,
mail_image(image_path, width = NULL, ...)
mail_on_error(expr, to = read_secret("mail.error_to"), ...)
mail_is_sent(project_number, date = Sys.Date(), account = connect_outlook())
body of email, allows markdown if markdown = TRUE
subject of email
field 'to', can be character vector
field 'CC', can be character vector
field 'BCC', can be character vector
field 'reply-to'
character (vector) of file location(s), or (a list of) data.frames
extra text for header or footer, allows markdown if markdown = TRUE
. See blastula::blocks()
to build blocks for these sections.
background of the surrounding area in the email. Use ""
to remove background.
directly send email, FALSE
will show the email in the Viewer pane and will ask whether the email should be saved to the Drafts folder of the current Microsoft 365 user.
treat body, header and footer as markdown
text to print as email signature, or NULL
to omit it, defaults to get_certe_signature()
a logical to print a notice that the mail was sent automatically (default is TRUE
if not in interactive()
location to save email object to, which consists of all email details and can be printed in the R console
mail folder within Sent Items in the Microsoft 365 account, to store the mail if !interactive()
expression which should return TRUE
prior to sending the email
a Microsoft 365 account to use for sending the mail. This has to be an object as returned by connect_outlook()
or Microsoft365R::get_business_outlook()
. Using account = FALSE
is equal to setting send = FALSE
a mail identifier to be printed at the bottom of the email. Defaults to project_identifier()
to not print an identifier.
arguments for mail()
path of image
required width of image, must be in CSS style such as "200px" or "100%"
expression to test, an email will be sent if this expression returns an error
Number of a project. Will be used to check the grey identifier in the email.
A date, defaults to today. Will be evaluated in as.Date()
. Can also be of length 2 for a date range.
can be used for automated scripts.
sends a plain email, without markdown support and with no signature.
Use mail_is_sent()
to check whether a project email was sent on a certain date from any Sent Items (sub)folder. The function will search for the grey identifier in the email body, which is formatted as [-yymmdd][0-9]+[-project_number][^0-9a-z]
. It returns TRUE
if any email was found, and FALSE
otherwise. If TRUE
, the name will contain the date(s) and time(s) of the sent email.
mail("test123", "test456", to = "", account = NULL)
#> No valid Microsoft 365 account set with argument `account`, forcing `send = FALSE`
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Mail Summary
#> Subject: test456
#> Body text: test123 *Deze mail is geautomatiseerd verstuurd.*
#> From: NA
#> To:
#> CC:
#> BCC:
#> Created: 6 februari 2025 08:50:02
mail_plain("test123", "test456", to = "", account = NULL)
#> No valid Microsoft 365 account set with argument `account`, forcing `send = FALSE`
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Mail Summary
#> Subject: test456
#> Body text: test123
#> From: NA
#> To:
#> CC:
#> BCC:
#> Created: 6 februari 2025 08:50:02
mail(mail_image(image_path = system.file("test.jpg", package = "certemail")),
"test456", to = "", account = NULL)
#> No valid Microsoft 365 account set with argument `account`, forcing `send = FALSE`
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Mail Summary
#> Subject: test456
#> Body text: *Deze mail is geautomatiseerd verstuurd.*
#> From: NA
#> To:
#> CC:
#> BCC:
#> Created: 6 februari 2025 08:50:02
# data.frames will be transformed with certestyle::plain_html_table()
mail(body = mtcars[1:5, ],
subject = "Check these cars!",
to = "",
account = FALSE)
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Mail Summary
#> Subject: Check these cars!
#> Body text: mpgcyldisphpdratwtqsecvsamgearcarbMazda RX421.061601103.902.6216.4...
#> From: NA
#> To:
#> CC:
#> BCC:
#> Created: 6 februari 2025 08:50:02
# but better is to add as an attachment - they will become Excel files
mail(body = "Hello there",
subject = "Check these cars!",
to = "",
attachment = mtcars[1:5, ],
account = FALSE)
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: Row names for object 1 (5 × 11, sheet 'Blad1') added as first column 'rownames'
#> Exported data set (5 × 11) to '/tmp/RtmpRLbA4u/tabel_1.xlsx' (6.9 kB).
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Mail Summary
#> Subject: Check these cars!
#> Body text: Hello there *Deze mail is geautomatiseerd verstuurd.*
#> From: NA
#> To:
#> CC:
#> BCC:
#> Created: 6 februari 2025 08:50:03
#> Attachments:
#> - /tmp/RtmpRLbA4u/tabel_1.xlsx
# use list() to add multiple data sets
mail(body = "Hello there",
subject = "Check these cars and flowers!",
to = "",
attachment = list(mtcars[1:5, ],
account = FALSE)
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: Row names for object 1 (5 × 11, sheet 'Blad1') added as first column 'rownames'
#> Exported data set (5 × 11) to '/tmp/RtmpRLbA4u/tabel_1.xlsx' (6.9 kB).
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Exported data set (150 × 5) to '/tmp/RtmpRLbA4u/tabel_2.xlsx' (9.8 kB).
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Warning: In read_secret(): environmental variable 'secrets_file' not set
#> Mail Summary
#> Subject: Check these cars and flowers!
#> Body text: Hello there *Deze mail is geautomatiseerd verstuurd.*
#> From: NA
#> To:
#> CC:
#> BCC:
#> Created: 6 februari 2025 08:50:03
#> Attachments:
#> - /tmp/RtmpRLbA4u/tabel_1.xlsx
#> - /tmp/RtmpRLbA4u/tabel_2.xlsx